[.feature]1[.feature] pack of original egglife® wraps, cut into strips
[.feature]3[.feature] stalks of celery, chopped
[.feature]2[.feature] medium carrots, chopped
[.feature]1[.feature] medium white onion, chopped
[.feature]2[.feature] tbsp olive oil
[.feature]5[.feature] tsp ground garlic powder
[.feature]¾[.feature] tsp ground coriander
[.feature]1 ½[.feature] tsp dried thyme
[.feature]½[.feature] tsp ground cumin
[.feature]3[.feature] tsp sea salt
[.feature]¾[.feature] tsp ground black pepper
[.feature]1[.feature] quart chicken stock
[.feature]2[.feature] cups water
[.feature]½[.feature] lb chicken breast, thinly sliced